Walking the sustainability talk

Pramod Menon | April 9, 2021

Sustainability is on everyone’s lips today. The world’s biggest brands have made bold sustainability commitments, and are now figuring how to get there. And consumers everywhere are fanning this movement, switching to brands they see as more environmentally responsible.

As leaders in specialty packaging, EPL knows its responsibility in driving sustainable packaging. The external forces tipping us forward are real, and “Leading the Pack” on sustainability is our biggest opportunity. So we have been running this race really hard, innovating furiously to create greener products. If the world wants greener packaging, we want to be in pole position to meet the demand.

But this approach is inward looking. It is necessary, but as we’ve come to realize, not sufficient. And so, we are recrafting our ambitions on sustainability.

Our world faces unprecedented problems, and we want to be part of the solution. We cannot do everything, but we can do something. And we’re keen not to let what we can’t do interfere with what we can.

To start with, climate change is a clear and present danger, and we can do so much to reverse it – be it cutting emissions, reducing our carbon footprint, saving energy, or partnering others to make a big difference. This is more than a set of goals, it is our covenant for a better world.

This is where our focus now is, engaging employees and partners to contribute actively, both as individuals and as organizations. Our CSR work under the umbrella of “greening lives”, involves employees across all our factories globally. Our recently published Sustainability Report reflects our holistic agenda for change.

This is a step change for us, reflecting a new maturity as a company. We yet have miles to go before we sleep. But we’ve started walking the talk.